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Posted: 20-03-2023, 17:31 | Category: General SiteRip's | Views: 5 251 Multimedia - SITERIP Multimedia - SITERIP FREE DOWNLOAD FULL 2019 PORNSITERIPS
Crawling into the bed Aiden asks his sister, Kitty, what exactly she’s done today. After making the comment that he is exhausted, she follows up with her being tired too. She tells him it’s none of his business what she’s done for the day and he feels confident that while he worked all day, she was more inactive and should not be as tired as him. As he starts getting settled and tries to get comfortable, his sister is quick to let him know that he is going to have to allot her more space. Responding with telling her how she takes up the bed every night, sleeping in a myriad of different positions, sometimes that involving her sleeping diagonally therefore taking up about the entirety of the bed. A little perturbed by his statements, she doesn’t hesitate to tell him how her lady parts take up more space. With her having a big ass and a set of tits, she automatically needs way more bed than he does. As he scoffs over her “pulling the woman card”, he finds her claims ridiculous. She goes on to say that he’s going to have to learn that since she has the pussy she makes the rules.

Both laying down and falling fast asleep, Aiden wakes up before the night is over in need of a drink of water. As he scopes out the fact that his sister’s things are still scattered about the floor from her returning from vacation a week prior, he starts discussing with himself aloud about his inability to get a drink of water without falling and breaking a limb. Taking notice that there is something wrong with his voice, he discovers there’s also something wrong with his body. “Wait, no, that’s not right; I don’t have pink toenails”, he says. Curious as to what the knocking he hears, is, he becomes privy to what it is that woke him up. In disbelief that the knocking isn’t waking his sister, it doesn’t take him long to lose concern over the noise once he realizes he has boobs. Raising his shirt to inspect, he finds it lame that his sister is wearing a sports bra, but that doesn’t stop him from getting the access he’s needing. Pulling the sports bra up to expose his tits, he is quite pleased with his new anatomy. Jumping to make them jiggle and groping them, he exclaims how “soft they are” and doesn’t miss the fact that her nipples are already hardening. Not amused by her choice to wear a skirt to bed, he slips off after unbuttoning it. Pleasantly surprised by his having thighs and a cute tummy now, he goes on to explore the rest of his new anatomy. “Oh, I have a vagina. Oh my God, that’s so weird”, he whispers loudly to himself as he touches his pussy for inspection.

“Oh my God, I have an ass”, he says as he spins around pulling his panties up into a thong-like position while giggling. Next he decides that since she’s left an array of clothing assorted on the floor, that he may as well see what fun he can have with playing a small version of dress up. Still curious how the knocking isn’t waking her up, he tries on the first pair of shorts. Stopping in between to notice how weird it is for his words to come out in his sister’s voice. Having to recollect how he has seen his sister fit into clothing items that seemed to be a tight fit, he wiggles his hips a little to get the shorts pulled the rest of the way up and in a position to be fastened. Feeling like this was much easier for his own execution, he doesn’t know why it seems like its so hard for her. The white shorts reflect some make up residue from his hands and he quickly contemplates if she wears makeup to bed, but not for long. Becoming excited once again over his new anatomy, he giggles like a school girl as he jumps and twirls to check out his new ass. Unsure if he could do this kind of thing everyday, he finds the shorts a little tight, but is enticed by them being a little stretchy. The knocking still prominent, he expresses his continuing disbelief that it hasn’t woke his sister then commences to admit he hopes it doesn’t as he is enjoying this strange occurrence and wants to play dress up some more.

Bouncing with joy, he moves along to the next piece of clothing. Not happy with how the shirt of choice is going to wear with the bra his sister has on, he becomes enlightened by the fact that he can simply remove the bra for his new titty nipples to show through the fabric of the shirt. This will make it totally hot, instead of weird like on his own body. After having the thought of girls clothes being weird, he finally figures out how to put the shirt on and is stoked with the results. Putting on a ditsy demeanor he giggles some more as he bounces a little more, rattling off at the mouth with “I’m Kitty, I leave my sh*t all over the floor, I have small tits and perky nipples and a. big. fat. ass. I take up the whole bed” and then some snide tones similar to “blah blah blah”. More chuckles and another comment of how great this situation is, he’s ends up deducting to the point that he could get away

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19 Videos | 15 GB